Misrahi-Barak, Judith (2014):
"Post-Beloved Writing:Review, Revitalize, Recalculate ."
Slavery Revisited . Special issue of Black Studies Papers 1 .1 37 -55 .
"Post-Beloved Writing:
Journal Article
Link for Citation: http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?fidaac-11858/2822
Twenty-five years have elapsed since the publication of Beloved. In all its complexity, Toni Morrison’s novel forms a peak, both concluding the previous decades of neo-slave narratives and introducing the following ones. As the following article argues, reviewing the many ways the novel has closed a period and opened a new one will help us gain a new perspective and understand new articulations and developments in slavery literature. Misrahi-Barak contends that the genre of the neo-slave narrative has ceased to be African-American only, but has become transnational and global, dialogic, polyphonic and trans-generic. It has also been instrumental in implementing a rapprochement between disciplines that used to be watertight.