About Us
The Stacks is an interdisciplinary Open Access repository provided by the Library of Anglo-American Culture & History for scholarly publications in:
- American studies
- Anglophone literatures & cultures
- Australian & New Zealand studies
- British & Irish studies
- Canadian studies
- English
The Stacks publishes documents from scholars working in these disciplines and all sub-fields, including cultural studies, English language teaching, gender studies, geography, history, law, linguistics, literary studies, media studies, medieval studies, political science, postcolonial studies and social sciences.
The Stacks publishes
- articles, monographs, book reviews
- complete issues and volumes of journals and other periodicals
We also offer to publish and archive
- conference reports
- calls for papers
- conference programmes, books of abstracts
- conference papers
- course material (course descriptions, syllabi),
If you would like to upload other types of material, please contact us.
All uploaded material is made available in Open Access, either immediately or after the time span you choose. You may select a Creative Commons License that best suits your needs.
All documents uploaded to The Stacks are assigned (if needed) a unique digital object identifier (DOI) to provide a persistent reference to each document.
The Library of Anglo-American Culture & History (Library AAC) is the central provider of literature, resources and services for scholars and students in the fields of American studies, Anglophone literatures & cultures, Australian & New Zealand studies, British & Irish studies, Canadian studies, and English. Currently, it is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) ('Specialised Information Services').
The main goal of the Library AAC is to develop services which improve access to specialist literature and information for all researchers in Germany working in the fields mentioned above. We aim to tailor our activities to the specific needs of the respective research communities and the individual characteristics of the disciplines.
Learn more about our services on our website libaac.de!