americana; Vol. 1.1
Gabriel Santiago Jurado-González
Multiculturalism, Education and Whiteness: A Review of 'Multicultural Education and the Protection of Whiteness' by Angelina E. Castagno (2013)
Itayexy (Ita) Reyes
The Tohono O'odham: A First Nation Tale on Borders
Núria Planas
Opposite Perspectives: The American Adam versus el Hombre Natural
Núria Planas
Racism, Misogyny and Homophobia in Patriarchal White Supremacist 'Norbit'
Gustavo Gutiérrez Hernández
Carrying Trauma: Identity through Time and Space
Natalia Gómez Muñoz
The U.S. Military and Sexual Abuse: Representation in the Colombian Newspaper El Tiempo