Mikić, Marijana (2017):
"Environment and Emotion in The Revenant: A Cognitive Approach." Eds. Day, Brendan; Gileva, Maria; Hoang, Jenny; Lyle, Caroline; Ocvirk, Maša; Pekár, Adam; Ramacher, Anna-Krystina; Schadewaldt, Annika M.; Shao, Jingya; Schubert, Stefan; Wollmann, Nadine; Zielinski, Boris Alfred Artur. aspeers 1077-92.
Journal Article

This paper investigates the role of the environment in cuing spectator emotions in The Revenant. In order to analyze how the environment is portrayed to evoke emotional responses, this article utilizes a cognitive approach toward film. One important way in which this process works is through the protagonist’s experience of his surroundings. By following Hugh Glass on his journey through the wilderness, the viewer shares his experience of it and responds emotionally in a congruent way: with terror, fear, and compassion as well as with curiosity and genuine interest in nature. However, The Revenant additionally encourages a different set of emotions toward the wilderness that are not connected to Glass’s fate or desires. Spectators are invited to feel emotions toward the environment per se, both in The Revenant and in real life. Cutaways to fascinating shots of unspoiled wilderness invite contemplation about the human impact on natural life and the lack of willingness to change harmful behavior ever since the beginnings of environmental exploitation as depicted in The Revenant. The latter emotions can nevertheless not be regarded as independent from the narrative but rather as part of the cinematic experience, since they are evoked within the context of the film.