Abendroth-Timmer, Dagmar; Hennig, Eva-Maria, eds. (2014):
Plurilingualism and Multiliteracies: International Research on Identity Construction in Language Education.Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. KFU – Kolloquium Fremdsprachenunterricht 50.

LANGSCAPE is a plurilingual and multicultural international research network on language acquisition and language education. The current research focus is on Identity Construction in Language Education. This volume summarizes some research results of the last four years by presenting empirical research projects as well as theoretical concepts. The contributions all deal with topics linked to plurilingualism or to certain aspects of the concept of multiliteracies like globalization, language policy, multiculturalism, multimodal communication processes, intercultural learning etc. The authors conceptualize or analyse identity construction processes of learners and educators in different plurilingual and multicultural learning environments or media based settings.

Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer / Gerhard Bach / Eva-Maria Hennig: "LANGSCAPE – Networking the International Research Community on Language Acquisition and Language Learning" 9 // Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer / Eva-Maria Hennig: "Plurilingualism and Multiliteracies: Identity Construction in Language Education" 23 // Anne Pauwels: "Rethinking the Learning of Languages in the Context of Globalization and Hyperlingualism" 41 // Christiane Fäcke: "Le plurilinguisme est-il un objectif européen pour l’Allemagne?" 57 // Martha C. Pennington / Itesh Sachdev / Lawrence Lau (†): "Language Use by London Bangladeshi and Chinese Adolescents: Some Language Diary Data" 71 // Sabine Ehrhart: "Le développement plurilingue et interculturel en milieu éducatif ouvert à la diversité – étude et bilan de trois projets universitaires avec la participation d’une écologie linguistique 'à la luxembourgeoise'" 89 // Claus Gnutzmann / Jenny Jakisch / Frank Rabe: Englisch als europäische Lingua franca. Identitätsentwürfe, Erfahrungen und Einstellungen von Studierenden" 107 // Stephan Breidbach / Lutz Küster: "‘Bildung’, ‘Multiliteracies’ and ‘Identity’ – Key Concepts in Language Education in the Light of Sociocultural Theory and Dynamic Systems Theory" 129 // Martina Weyreter / Britta Viebrock: "Identity Construction in Adult Learners of English for Specific Purposes (ESP): Exploring a Complex Phenomenon" 145 // Alice Chik "Constructing German Learner Identities in Online and Offline environments" 159 // Daniela Elsner: "Multilingual Virtual Talking Books (MuViT) – A Project to Foster Multilingualism, Language Awareness, and Media Competency" 175 // Eva De Mesmaeker / Katja Lochtman: "Belgian CLIL Teachers’ Professional Identity" 191 // Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes / Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes: "Formations hybrides en milieu pluriculturel:
comment concilier théories, pratiques et contraintes" 211 // Anja Wildemann / Mahzad Hoodgarzadeh / Olga Esteve / Rebecca Walter: "Ein Beitrag zur Sensibilisierung für eine Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik
in der Lehrerbildung" 227 // Claudia Frevel: "Zur Ausbildung und Entwicklung adaptiver Lehrkompetenz angehender Fremdsprachenlehrerinnen und -lehrer durch Videofeedback" 243 // Özlem Etuú / Katrin Schultze: "English as a Lingua Franca and the Envisioning of Pre-service English Language Teacher Education in the 21st Century: Narrative Insights from Istanbul and Berlin" 259 // Mark Bechtel / Maud Ciekanski: "Comment retracer les compétences interculturelles en interaction dans la formation en ligne des enseignants de langues? Une réflexion méthodologique" 277 // Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer / Jose I. Aguilar Río: "Accompagner la formation de futurs enseignants de langue en tandem interculturel médiatisé: la sensibilisation aux fonctions du tutorat" 297 //