Bott, Lisa-Michéle; Fastenrath, Sebastian (2020):
"Australian Bushfires: Current Trends, Causes, and Social-Ecological Impacts." Zeitschrift für Australienstudien / Australian Studies Journal 33/34127-136.
Journal Article

Bushfires are common events in Australia reaching their peak each summer season. However, the last bushfire season from July 2019 until March 2020 was unprecedented. An estimated area between 240,000 up to 400,000 km² burned, with the southeast coast being particularly affected. The images of burnt flora and fauna and the fires that raged for months went around the world. It became clear how vulnerable both Australia’s communities and ecosystems are to this natural hazard, which is becoming more frequent and intense. Australia’s southeast is increasingly vulnerable against the often sudden event of bushfires. This article discusses the current trends, causes for this extreme fire season, the socio-economic and ecological impacts, and the resulting adaptation processes.