""A New Canadian Social Architecture?" Die Reform des kanadischen Wohlfahrtsstaates in den 1990er Jahren."
The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at the integration of tax policy instruments into social policy reform in Canada during the 1990's and what that means in terms of the politics of redistribution and the prevention of poverty. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part takes a closer look at and will challenge the conventional classification of the Canadian welfare state as a liberal one (Esping-Andersen classification). The second part is focussed on the politics of welfare reform in Canada during the 1990's. Special attention will be given to the integration of tax policy instruments into social policy. The third part takes a more comparative look at the output side of the Canadian welfare state: how successful is the Canadian welfare state in the prevention of poverty and the redistribution of income? The extent to which the welfare state design in Canada has changed, as a result of the reforms analysed above, will be discussed in the concluding part of the paper.