Zeitschrift für Australienstudien / Australian Studies Journal; Vol. 30 (2016)
Oliver Haag; Henriette von Holleuffer
From the Editors
5 - 9 (2016)
Regina Ganter
Yolngu Conversations with Faith: The “outward signs of conversion” to Christianity and Islam
10 - 43 (2016)
Geoff Rodoreda
The Darkest Aspect: Mabo and Liam Davison’s The White Woman
44 - 60 (2016)
Kerstin Knopf
Jindabyne and the Apology: Intercultural Relations, Violence, Ethics, and the Precarious State of Reconciliation in Australian Cinema
61 - 88 (2016)
Marthe Schmidt
Australia’s ‘Terra Incognita Subterranea’ as a Subject of Art: Conrad Martens’ Stalagmites, Burragalong Cavern, 1843
89 - 108 (2016)
Roxana Leitold
Nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung als Verdichtungsprozess: Neuere Entwicklungen im Großraum Brisbane
109 - 125 (2016)
Kerstin Knopf
Belinda Wheeler, ed.: A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature
126 - 132 (2016)
Danielle Norberg
Penny Russell: Savage or Civilised? Manners in Colonial Australia
133 - 138 (2016)
Steve Bahn
Kirsten McKenzie: Imperial Underworld: An Escaped Convict and the Transformation of the British Colonial Order
139 - 146 (2016)
Henriette von Holleuffer
Alexandra Ludewig: Zwischen Korallenriff und Stacheldraht: Interniert auf Rottnest Island, 1914-1915
147 - 155 (2016)