Erb, Caroline (2009):
"Hardened Borders: A Case Study on Inefficient Solutions to the Immigration Problem in El Paso." Eds. Aho, Tanja N.; Betz, Ingrid; Böhme, Franziska; Büttner, Susan; Herrmann, Sebastian M.; Schäfer, Benedikt; Simão, Isabel M. J.. aspeers 297-126.
Journal Article

With the rising controversy over illegal immigration, Mexican migration to the US twirls into the spotlight. In 2005 the majority (56 percent) of the 11.1 million unauthorized aliens were of Mexican origin (Passel i)—a signal to the US government that the source of the problem is illegal Mexican migration. The solution pursued in the last two decades by the US government was the fortification of the US-Mexico border. The following article argues that hardened borders between the US and Mexico are not a viable solution to unauthorized Mexican migration. The fallacies of the framework for immigration since 1986 are examined by means of a conducted case study on the borderplex of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez. The case study illustrates the social, economic, and kinship cross-border ties which contribute to the porosity of the border. Furthermore, it investigates stepped-up border enforcement programs, such as Operation Hold-the-Line, and new modes of entry resulting from the US Customs and Border Protection’s latest strategies to deter illegal migration.