de Mattos Caitano, Joevan (2022):
"Alphons Silbermann und die Neue Musik zwischen Darmstadt und Sydney in den 1950er Jahren: Perspektive eines Emigranten im Exil." Music, Country, and Migration. Special issue of Zeitschrift für Australienstudien / Australian Studies Journal 3651-66.
Journal Article

By the 1950s, Darmstadt had established itself as a platform for avant-garde music in Germany, attracting the attention of composers, instrumentalists, musicologists, journalists, and institutions worldwide. In the internationalization of the Summer Course, emigrants such as Alphons Silbermann (1909-2000) can be identified as driving forces. After the Second World War, he and the director Wolfgang Steinecke (1909-1961) worked at the Kranichsteiner Musikinstitut to invite Australian composers to Darmstadt and to inform them about new music from overseas. Based on the materials collected in the archives of the International Music Institute Darmstadt and in the Silbermann estate, the author traces the beginning of the reception of Australian music at the Darmstadt Summer Courses.