American Studies Journal; Vol. 57
Astrid Haas; Maria Herrera-Sobek
1 (2012)
Astrid Haas
Borderlands Identities and Borderlands Ideologies in Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop
2 (2012)
Marietta Messmer
Transfrontera Crimes: Representations of the Juárez Femicides in Recent Fictional and Non-Fictional Accounts
3 (2012)
Norma Iglesias-Prieto
The U.S.-Mexico Border and Childrens Social Imaginary: An Analysis of Wacha el Border and Beyond the Border
4 (2012)
Guisela Latorre
Border Consciousness and Artivist Aesthetics: Richard Lou's Performance and Multimedia Artwork
5 (2012)
María Herrera-Sobek
The Border Patrol and Their Migra Corridos: Propaganda, Genre Adaptation, and Mexican Immigration
6 (2012)
Josef Raab
At Home in the Borderlands: An Interview with Rolando Hinojosa
7 (2012)