Zeitschrift für Australienstudien / Australian Studies Journal; Vol. 16 (2002)
The Australian Studies Journal developed from the Newsletter of the German Association for Australian Studies (GASt Newsletter) and continues its count. This volume was published as GASt Newsletter 16 (2002).
Gerhard Leitner
From the Editors
1 (2002)
Lisa Wendlandt
Sorry or regret – who cares? An Interview with David Price and Bess Nungarrayi Price, Adelaide, March 2002
2 - 10 (2002)
Boris Braun
Jüngere Trends der demographischen und sozialen Entwicklung Australiens
11 - 16 (2002)
Ian Malcolm
Coming to Terms with Diversity: Educational Responses to Linguistic Plurality in Australia
17 - 30 (2002)
John Milfull
A New Federalism? Representing Diversity, Resisting Fragmentation: The Relevance of German and European Debates on Federalism to Australian Futures
31 - 35 (2002)
Frank Paschen
Widerstand im Schmelztigel: Die Aborigines im ‘australischen Multikulturalismus’
36 - 45 (2002)
Gerhard Leitner
Der Deutsche Hilfsverein in der Geschichte: Erinnerungen von H. Hoerner
46 - 47 (2002)
Margaret Hamilton
artsaustralia berlin 02: The Culturally Complex Australian Body in Germany
48 - 52 (2002)
Britta Kuhlenbeck
Landschaft als Text
53 - 68 (2002)
Petra Schleuning
Australiens Rezeption in den deutschen Medien
69 - 79 (2002)
George Dreyfus
Rede von George Dreyfus anlässlich der Verleihung des Bundesverdienstkreuzes
80 - 82 (2002)
Gesellschaft für Australienstudien
Glückwunschschreiben der GASt an George Dreyfus, Sydney
83 (2002)
Fiona Carruthers
Escaping the “Tyranny of Distance?”
86 - 87 (2002)
Lisa Wendlandt
Bericht über mein Schulpraktikum in Alice Springs
88 - 93 (2002)
Frank Di Marco
Beeston, J.: A Concise History of Australian Wine
94 (2002)
Cornelia Schulze
Weiss, J. P.: In Search of an Identity: Essays and Ideas on Anglo-Australians, German-Australians and Others
95 - 96 (2002)
Frank Paschen
Erckenbrecht, C.: Traumzeit. Die Religion der Ureinwohner Australiens
97 - 98 (2002)
Walter Veit
Stilz, G., ed.: Colonies – Missions – Cultures in the English-Speaking World: General and Comparative Studies
99 - 102 (2002)
Clemens Fritz
Jones, A.: Australian English Grammar
103 - 104 (2002)
Gerhard Leitner
Watts, R., P. Trudgill, eds.: Alternative Histories of English
105 - 107 (2002)
Gerhard Leitner
Smith, N., T. Veenstra, eds.: Creolization and Contact
108 (2002)
Gerhard Leitner
Brutt-Griffler, J.: World English: A Study of Its Development
109 - 110 (2002)
Gerhard Leitner
Cooper, R., E. Shohamy, J. Walters, eds.: New Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy. A Festschrift for Bernard Dov Spolsky
111 (2002)
Gerhard Leitner
Jupp, J.: The Australian People. An Encyclopedia of the Nation, Its People and Their Origins
112 (2002)