Zeitschrift für Australienstudien / Australian Studies Journal; Vol. 07 (1993)
The Australian Studies Journal developed from the Newsletter of the German Association for Australian Studies (GASt Newsletter) and continues its count. This volume was published as GASt Newsletter 07 (1993).
Horst Prießnitz
Vorwort des Herausgebers
1 (1993)
Martin Baehr
CSIRO (1991): The Insects of Australia. A Textbook for Students and Research Workers
123 - 124 (1993)
Volker Raddatz
Patricia Fenner (1989): Down Under. Images of Australia
125 - 127 (1993)
Horst Prießnitz
Neue Nachschlagewerke zur Literatur Australiens
128 - 134 (1993)
Horst Prießnitz; Marion Spies
Sue Murray (1991): Bibliography of Australian Poetry, 1935-1955
135 - 148 (1993)
Horst Prießnitz
Probleme einer interkulturellen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung: Manfred Jurgensen (1992): Eagle and Emu. German-Australian Writing 1930-1990
149 - 159 (1993)
Norbert Schaffeld
Australian and European History Re-Enacted: The Argument of Michael Gow’s Historical Dialogue
161 - 171 (1993)
Volker Wolf
The Reception of Australian Literature in German Speaking Countries – revisted!
172 - 179 (1993)
Silke Beinssen-Hesse
Übersetzungen von Gedichten von Droste-Hülshoff, Lasker-Schüler, Sachs, Hahn
181 - 207 (1993)