Zeitschrift für Australienstudien / Australian Studies Journal; Vol. 21/22 (2007/2008)

Britta Kuhlenberg; Adi Wimmer

Vorwort der Herausgeber

5 - 9 (2008)

Bruce Bennett

A Wilderness of Mirrors: Perspectives on ‘the Spying Game’ in Australian Literature

10 - 21 (2008)

Delys Bird

Rock Wallabies and Mayan Temples: The Landscapes of the Pilbara in Japanese Story and the Burrup Peninsula

21 - 28 (2008)

Carl Bridge

The Flying Caseys

28 - 35 (2008)

Livio Dobrez

Australia’s First Fleet Journals and Europe’s Last Frontier

36 - 45 (2008)

Pat Dobrez

The Cultural Logic of Martin Boyd’s Anti-Puritan Novels

46 - 57 (2008)

Elisabeth Gigler

Indigenous Australian Art Photography: An Intercultural Approach

57 - 64 (2008)

Dorotta Guttfeld

Australian Science Fiction: In Search of the “Feel”

65 - 72 (2008)

Beate Josephi; Christine Müller

Mehr als fremde Augen: Anna Funders Stasiland und die feinen Unterschiede des literarischen Journalismus

72 - 84 (2008)

Sibylle Kästner

Fellumhänge australischer Aborigines: Von Gebrauchsgegenständen zu Identität stiftenden Kunstwerken

85 - 91 (2008)

Miriam Rebecca Konzelmann

Kinder des Holocaust: Untersuchungen zum australischen Film The Dunera Boys

91 - 102 (2008)

Keith R. McConnochie

‘Connecting the Dots’: The Role of Psychology in Indigenous Australia

103 - 117 (2008)

Eva Meidl

Rapid Hobart – A History of Acculturation

118 - 129 (2008)

Cassandra Pybus

Billy Blue, the Old Commodore

129 - 141 (2008)

Peter Read

Tripping Over Feathers: Beginning a Biography of Janaka Wiradjuri (Joy Williams)

141 - 157 (2008)

Sarah Zapata

Tim Winton’s Narrative of Belonging: Revisiting Australian Identity through Europe in The Riders

157 - 164 (2008)

Adi Wimmer

Vom pittoreskem ‘Dreaming’ zum Albtraum: Über das Scheitern der Selbstverwaltung von Aboriginal Communities

164 - 176 (2008)

Les Murray; Tim Thorne; Catherine Keneally; Ken Bolton; Andrew Peek; Andrew Taylor


178 - 186 (2008)

Peter Posch

Bonnor, Chris and Jane Caro (2007): The Stupid Country: How Australia is Dismantling Public Education

188 - 193 (2008)

Tony Simeos da Silva

Dose, Gerd and Britta Kuhlenbeck, eds. (2007): Australia: Making Space Meaningful

194 - 196 (2008)

Boris Braun

Forster, Clive (2004): Australian Cities. Continuity and Change

197 - 197 (2008)

Marion Spies

Jacobs, Anne (2006): Alien Roots: A German Jewish Girlhood: From Belonging to Exile

198 - 201 (2008)

Franz Kuna

Landman, Jane (2006): The Tread of the White Man’s Foot. Australian Pacific Colonialism and the Cinema, 1925-62

201 - 204 (2008)

Julia Seipel

Robin, Libby, (2007): How a Continent Created a Nation

204 - 206 (2008)

Nadja Lüdemann

van Toorn, Penny (2006): Writing Never Arrives Naked. Early Aboriginal Cultures of Writing in Australia

206 - 209 (2008)

Adi Wimmer

Brett, Lily (2006): You’ve Gotta Have Balls

209 - 213 (2008)

Adèle Garnier

Coetzee, J.M. (2007): Diary of a Bad Year

213 - 216 (2008)

Paula Kreiner

Flanagan, Richard (2007): The Unknown Terrorist

216 - 220 (2008)

Catherine Schwerin

Jones, Gail (2007): Sorry

220 - 224 (2008)

Arno Rußegger

Jones, Gail (2006): Der Traum vom Sprechen

225 - 227 (2008)

Adi Wimmer

Jones, Gail (2004): Sixty Lights

228 - 230 (2008)

Helga Ramsey-Kurz

Turner-Hospital, Janette (2007): Orpheus Lost

230 - 235 (2008)

Nadja Lüdemann

Wright, Alexis (2006): Carpentaria

235 - 237 (2008)

Kira Eghbal-Azar

Rolf de Heer: The Tracker (2002) and Ten Canoes (2006)

237 - 239 (2008)

Adi Wimmer

Der junge Leichhardt und Wir (DVD, 2007)

240 - 241 (2008)

Rosemarie Gläser

George und Jonathan Dreyfus: Kinder-Matinee in der Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin

241 - 242 (2008)